How to Foil your design

Foiled design next to the Watercolour version
Hey everyone. Today I am going to give you some tips on how I foil my designs.
I LOVE foiling! Something about peeling back that layer after running it through your foiling machine and seeing all that shiny goodness makes me so happy! This is one of my hand drawn designs that I did last Sunday morning while it was raining outside and my little one was taking a nap. I love doodling and I am very attracted visually to curves and flowers. I always have my sketch book handy and try to jot down designs that I have in my head or if I see something that inspires me I jot down a note and try to get to it when I have time. 

Sunday morning doodles

I then transfer my drawing using tracing paper or quickly sketch another drawing using my first as a reference point. In this case I transferred my design onto watercolor paper using tracing paper and added color.

Finished painting in watercolor

I used my little box of watercolor paints and water based markers and Voila! I absolutely loved how it turned out! I was also curious to see how it would look foiled so I scanned the design and printed it on my laser printer. Now guys, this is the catch. You NEED to use a laser printer to foil. It will not work if you use an inkjet. I then waited until my foiling machine was good and hot and ran the printed copy through.

It came out beautifully! I can't wait to do this again! On that note I am off to create some more designs.  Follow my blog or  Follow me on Instagram  to get more tips and freebies. Happy foiling!

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